Help Me Out…

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Can you beta read this for me?

Can you edit this manuscript for me for spelling and grammar?

Can you help me with the art?

In the past, I asked a lot of people these questions, reasoning that one person cannot do everything well, and a second pair of eyes can’t hurt.

Sure, they say. Some of them even offer to do the task without me asking. The expressly communicated main point here is “I don’t have the money to pay. I’m asking you for a favor that I’m willing to return when you ask.”

Can you do it in 6 weeks? I ask.

Sure, they say. Easy.

Four weeks.

Six weeks.

Eight weeks.

Oh, I forgot/lost it/don’t have anything to add.

After a few repeats of this, I stop going to that person. Clearly, for one reason or other, they don’t have the bandwidth to work on my project. I don’t lose my mind or chew them out. They don’t have the time/desire/whatever to do it, therefore, I shall cease bothering them, and move on.

Until they come back to me.

Admittedly, I sometimes reach out after a long hiatus to ask a question they have knowledge of, or sometimes just to say hi, it’s been a while, what’s up?

And then:

Can you beta read this for me? They ask. Can you edit/do artwork/etc?

Can you do it in half the time you gave me to do your manuscript, even though I never got to yours at all?

What? I just said “hi.”

Well, yeah. You’re good at it.

I’ve got a lot going on right now, I don’t think I can do much for you.

It’s really short. It won’t take you long.

You’re asking me to critique your work. You KNOW how I do that.


Can you just do it? And give me a quote I can use for sales.


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