Category: People

  • Being Supportive

    My parents were not as supportive of my desire to write and publish as I would’ve liked them to be. It wasn’t until the last few years of my father’s life that he became a little more  (vaguely) supportive of the notion. I don’t know what he was thinking during…

  • Help Me Out…

    Can you beta read this for me? Can you edit this manuscript for me for spelling and grammar? Can you help me with the art? In the past, I asked a lot of people these questions, reasoning that one person cannot do everything well, and a second pair of eyes…

  • In Defense of Whimsy

    I’ve always been a little odd. The square peg that almost fits in the round hole, but not quite. When I was a child my oddness marked me out a bit. I wasn’t quite the most unpopular kid in school, but I was definitely on the lower end of the…

  • IWSG July 2020

    Dammit! I lost the pool for June. I had my money on Sharknado in Texas, but it didn’t pan out. Neither did the last minute bet on “The Mummy” causing havoc in the US. Anyhoo… The topic of the month is how you think the publishing will or should change…

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