Category: critique

  • Help Me Out…

    Can you beta read this for me? Can you edit this manuscript for me for spelling and grammar? Can you help me with the art? In the past, I asked a lot of people these questions, reasoning that one person cannot do everything well, and a second pair of eyes…

  • Sometimes Hope Springs Like An Irritating Weed

    I did it again. After I’d sworn off beta readers for multiple issues, I found another person whose interest was piqued and expressed that she’d like to read my work sometime. Selena often complains that as a voracious reader, it can be difficult to find books that are both good…

  • Inserting Real Details

    A lot of authors do it. Some are sneaky about it because they don’t want to be sued by a conglomerate like, say, those who might be thought of as wearing mouse ears, or perhaps others who are associated with the golden arches.  Many companies are very touchy about how…

  • Cover Art

    Today I’d like to talk about Cover Art, I’d like to talk about books and other products and what they’re wearing. Because I’m confused. To be fair, I am approaching 41, so this may be a symptom of senility setting in. But back in the day, Cover Art told you…

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