Category: People

  • IWSG March 2020

    Other than the obvious holiday traditions, have you ever included any personal or family traditions/customs in your stories? Not really. I should though, if for no other reasons than the fact that it would give my characters “extra” character. Like how my Mom would always eat the ears off my…

  • Pain and Stress, Vol. 1

    I’d had it. I’d lost my damn mind. My children each have their own rooms. My husband has a 12×20 cave that barely holds all of his stuff. He also has a 2×6 table and associated space in the front room for his small medical things because there’s no room…

  • I’m Going To Kill Him….

    I love him. No, really. I do. Sometimes. Just not when he’s irritating me. Like today. He has a day off and I’m trying to work on something. I’m trying to work on a writing something. It’s a fight scene. This isn’t something you can just rough out and heavily…

  • Starting 2019

    There’s actual snow on the ground. I live in Colorado, and, sad to say, snow is a rarity anymore. But even an inch  of snow on New Year’s Day is lends hope for the coming year. Misplaced hope, perhaps, but hope none the less. 2018 has been an eventful year.…

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