Category: Life

  • Is it worth it?

    I noticed there is a lot of talk about doing the creative thing, but only if your ROI is worth it. Why do it, if it takes too much time, too much space, too many resources? Especially if you probably/don’t make money at it. I guess the question about the…

  • Solvem Probler

    I like this phrase. I shouldn’t, because it doesn’t strike a humorous chord, but a negative one. It defines how I feel about myself at the moment. I try to be helpful, and people tell me I am, but more often than not, I feel like I create about as…

  • This is Bullshit….

    So, there’s this totally accurate statistic I read somewhere on the internet a few years back, about the average publishing age of women vs. men. Women publish fictional novels at a later point in life, typically. Not all of them, obviously; just a notable amount. Almost as though the majority…

  • In Defense of Whimsy

    I’ve always been a little odd. The square peg that almost fits in the round hole, but not quite. When I was a child my oddness marked me out a bit. I wasn’t quite the most unpopular kid in school, but I was definitely on the lower end of the…

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